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About Us

david-thieleWe believe that Jesus is very soon to return for His people. Just before He comes again, Satan will attempt to deceive the very elect, if possible. This deception is what we call the Omega Deception. It will result in the Omega Apostasy for many in what we call the Shaking Time. We believe it our Christian duty to proclaim the last message of mercy to this world. That message is to reveal the true nature of God’s love as embodied in the moral law that governs His Kingdom, and as demonstrated on Calvary’s cross where Jesus Christ paid our debt and penalty for transgression of His law. His last warning of love we call the Omega Heartcry.

David Thiele lives in Berrien Springs, Michigan, but travels the country as a long-haul truck driver. A graduate of Union College with degrees in religion, social sciences, secondary education, and business administration accounting and management, David has a passion for learning. He also has a deep desire to serve God, as is evidenced in his work as a missionary in Japan teaching ESL and Bible, as a literature evangelist, as a lay preacher, as an assistant auditor with General Conference Auditing Services, as business manager and treasurer at Pine Tree Academy, and now as a writer.